Chennai: The Tamil Nadu veteran and late CM Jayalalithaa have been severely accused by the main opposition party DMK. DMK MLA P. Saravanan from Tirupurukundram assembly seat in Tamil Nadu has forged the thumb impression given by Jayalalithaa in her election affidavit. He has given this information to CBI DIG Durai Kumar. On 5 December 2016 Jayalalithaa died due to a heart attack. She was admitted to the Apollo Hospital in Chennai for a long time.
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The assets he had declared before the Election Commission during his nomination in the assembly elections held in Tamil Nadu were more than 113 crores. At the time of election from RK Nagar assembly constituency, he had informed the Election Commission of movable assets of Rs 41.63 crore and immovable assets of Rs 72.09 crore in the manifesto.
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It is noteworthy that Jayalalithaa also had to face jail sentences in 1996 and 2014 in connection with the disproportionate assets case. He even had to resign from the post of Chief Minister in 2014 to tell that after his death, there was a struggle in his party for power. The Dinakaran Gut is calling himself the real succession of Jayalalithaa. The state's ruling AIDMK has suffered a setback in the recent Lok Sabha elections.
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