Do easy skin detox with these methods
Do easy skin detox with these methods

To clean the skin along with the body, detox is needed. Due to pollution, makeup and dust soil, harmful bacteria are accumulated on the face. Due to which you have problems like pimples, dryness and blackheads on your face. Therefore it is important to detox the skin at least twice a month. Datoxizing your skin stops your stress and your skin is always healthy and beautiful. 

1- To make the skin detox, clean the make-up made on your face before sleeping at night. Then apply hydration cream on your face. By applying hydrated cream, your skin becomes soft and soft. 

2- Wash your face with clean water when you wake up in the morning. If your skin is rigid, always use a water-based gel for oil clear face wash and oily skin. 

3- Steam your skin with hot water after washing the face. By taking steam, open pores of your skin open. 

4- After drying your face, dry your face with soft towel. Now add homemade mask on your face. You can also apply the face pack of curd and honey on your skin. 

5- Put serum and facial oil on your face before sleeping in the night. Do not use soap or facewash on your face for 1 day after detoxing the skin.

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