Do you also want to enter a new house, then know this important thing now
Do you also want to enter a new house, then know this important thing now

Performing Griha Pravesh Puja before entering a new house is an important Hindu tradition. It is believed that Griha Pravesh Puja brings positive energy into the house and removes negative energy. This puja is also done to bring happiness, prosperity and health to the people living in the house.

There are many beliefs behind Griha Pravesh Puja:

  • Religious belief: According to Hindu religion, many gods and goddesses reside in the house. Griha Pravesh Puja is performed to seek the blessings of these Gods and Goddesses and to create a positive environment in the house.
  • Astrological belief: According to astrology, the position of the planets impacts our lives. Griha Pravesh Puja is performed to achieve auspicious position of planets and remove negative effects in the house.
  • Scientific belief: Havan performed during Griha Pravesh Puja removes the negative energy present in the house and purifies the environment.

How is Griha Pravesh Puja performed:

Griha Pravesh Puja is a complex ritual which is performed by a Pandit. The puja consists of several steps, including:

  • Cleaning the House: The house is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before the Griha Pravesh Puja.
  • Construction of Mandap: A Mandap is made in the house and idols of Gods and Goddesses are installed in it.
  • Hawan: Hawan is an important ritual which is performed to remove negative energy and attract positive energy.
  • Puja: Pandits worship the Gods and Goddesses and seek blessings for the people living in the house.
  • Food: After the puja, food is organized for the people living in the house and the guests.

Auspicious time for Griha Pravesh Puja:

It is important to choose an auspicious time for Griha Pravesh Puja. Astrologers choose the auspicious time based on the position of the planets.

Benefits of Griha Pravesh Puja:

  • Positive Energy: Griha Pravesh Puja brings positive energy into the house and removes negative energy.
  • Happiness, Prosperity and Health: This puja is performed to bring happiness, prosperity and health to the people living in the house.
  • Blessings: Griha Pravesh Puja is a way of seeking blessings from the Gods and Goddesses.


Griha Pravesh Puja is an important Hindu tradition that brings positive energy into the home and removes negative energy. This puja is also done to bring happiness, prosperity and health to the people living in the house.

Other than this:

  • The Havan performed during Griha Pravesh Puja removes the negative energy present in the house and purifies the environment.
  • It is important to choose an auspicious time for Griha Pravesh Puja. Astrologers choose the auspicious time based on the position of the planets.
  • Griha Pravesh Puja has many benefits, which include positive energy, happiness, prosperity, health and blessings.
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