Do you get the glimpse of your Deity in your dreams? Find out its meaning
Do you get the glimpse of your Deity in your dreams? Find out its meaning

All of us see dreams while sleeping some are good while some are bad and some are unusual. But do you know if you see your deity in your dreams then it has a lot of meaning? 

We all have heard of stories behind many ancient temples where people see the God and Goddess in their dreams which then afterward become the establishment of many temples.

 In astrology, if you see any God in your dreams it can have both good and bad effects afterward depending upon to which God's glimpse you have seen and places you have visited. Let's find out.

  • Vikral devta - Indication of bad news
  • Going to temple - Coming of disease
  • Apsara darshan - Going to have physical relation with a beautiful girl
  • Sadhu darshan - Your pending work gets completed
  • Guru darshan - Lots of success in career
  • Seeing yourself eating - Loss of money
  • Seeing yourself crying - Gain of lot of happiness


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