Do You Know the Health Risks Associated with Kissing Babies on Lips and Cheeks?
Do You Know the Health Risks Associated with Kissing Babies on Lips and Cheeks?

Health experts warn that repeatedly kissing babies on the lips and cheeks can pose risks to their health. Newborns have developing immune systems and are vulnerable to infections as they haven't yet received all vaccines.

Kissing infants can transmit viruses like the flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which spreads through coughing and sneezing. For instance, if a person has hepatitis B, their saliva can transmit the virus to the baby, presenting a serious threat. Similarly, active herpes infections can lead to skin lesions around the lips, potentially affecting the baby. In some cases, kissing babies can even trigger allergic reactions.

Here are some important precautions to keep in mind:

If you feel compelled to kiss the baby, opt for safer areas like the forehead, neck, hands, feet, or stomach.

Older siblings with weaker immunity should be kept away from the baby if they have any viral infections.

Even if you're healthy, it's advisable to kiss the baby on the forehead, ensuring your hands are clean and avoiding sneezing or coughing near them.

Babies' skin is sensitive; avoid kissing if you're wearing lipstick or lip gloss to prevent skin irritation or rashes.

Visitors with infections or respiratory issues should maintain distance from the baby and refrain from kissing them.

These precautions can help safeguard the health and well-being of newborns against avoidable health risks.

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