Recently, 4 GB variant of Xiaomi Mi 8 Youth has been introduced in the market. This phone is very much liked by the users. Earlier it was available in 6 GB RAM and 64 GB or 128 GB storage option. Let us tell you that this new variant of this phone is the fourth variant. It has been introduced only in the Chinese market.
Talking about the specifications of the phone, it comes with 6.25 inch Full HD Plus display. It runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor. It sports a 24-megapixel camera at the front . The phone includes a 3350 mAh battery for power, the front camera has a face unlock feature.
As far as price is concerned, the phone launched with the price of RMB 1,399. At the same time, with this phone's 6 GB RAM, the variant of 128 GB internal storage is priced at 1,999 Chinese Yuan i.e. around 21,200 rupees. While its 64 GB internal storage variant with its 4 GB RAM is priced at 1,66 Chinese Yuan i.e. around 18,000 rupees.