Do You Want to Sleep Well? What Not to Keep Near Your Bed According to Vastu
Do You Want to Sleep Well? What Not to Keep Near Your Bed According to Vastu

Have you ever wondered why some nights you sleep like a baby, while other nights you toss and turn, unable to find that elusive slumber? The answer might just lie in the arrangement of your bedroom and the objects you keep near your bed. According to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian system of architecture, there are certain items you should avoid placing near your bed to ensure a peaceful and restful sleep. In this article, we'll explore these guidelines and learn how they can potentially enhance the quality of your sleep.


Understanding Vastu for Better Sleep

Vastu Shastra, often referred to as the "science of architecture," is an ancient Indian practice that emphasizes the harmony between human beings and their living spaces. It offers guidelines for designing and organizing various aspects of a home to promote positive energy flow. When it comes to the bedroom, Vastu suggests that the placement of objects can greatly influence your sleep quality.

What Not to Keep Under Your Bed

Electronic Devices

In today's digital age, many of us are guilty of keeping our smartphones, tablets, or laptops within arm's reach even during sleep. However, Vastu advises against this practice. Electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with your body's natural sleep cycles and energy fields.


Mirrors are believed to have the power to bounce energy, and having them under your bed might lead to restless sleep. Vastu recommends avoiding mirrors near your sleeping area to ensure a calm and undisturbed rest.


While reading is a wonderful habit, storing books under the bed is not in line with Vastu principles. Books carry knowledge and energy, and having them underneath you might create an unsettling feeling. It's better to find a designated shelf for your literary companions.

Objects to Avoid on Your Nightstand

Water Glasses

Keeping water by your bedside might seem practical, but Vastu suggests that it can negatively affect the energy around you. Stagnant water is considered a breeding ground for negative energy, so it's advisable to avoid placing water glasses on your nightstand.

Religious or Sacred Items

While having religious or sacred items can provide a sense of comfort, Vastu recommends not placing them on your nightstand. These items carry powerful energies, and having them too close to your head while sleeping might lead to disturbed dreams or restlessness.

Dead Plants

Plants are generally associated with positive energy, but dead or dried plants are an exception. They are believed to attract negative energy and should be kept away from your sleeping area according to Vastu principles.

The Importance of Bed Placement

The placement of your bed plays a significant role in Vastu for a good night's sleep. It is advised that the head of your bed should face the south or east direction. This positioning aligns your body with the Earth's magnetic field and promotes a sense of tranquility during sleep.

Colors and Lighting in the Bedroom

The colors and lighting in your bedroom can greatly influence your sleep patterns. Vastu suggests using soft, soothing colors that promote relaxation, such as shades of blue and green. Additionally, having dimmable lights allows you to adjust the lighting according to your mood and the time of day.

Creating a Soothing Sleep Environment

A cluttered and chaotic bedroom can disrupt the flow of positive energy. Vastu recommends creating a clean and organized sleep environment, free from unnecessary clutter. This not only enhances the aesthetics of the room but also contributes to a peaceful state of mind.

The Power of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is another aspect of Vastu that can aid in better sleep. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood have calming properties and can help induce a sense of relaxation. Consider using essential oils or scented candles to create a soothing ambiance in your bedroom.

Is Vastu a Science or Superstition?

The question of whether Vastu is a scientific practice or a mere superstition is a subject of debate. While scientific evidence may be limited, many individuals attest to experiencing positive changes in their lives after following Vastu principles. Whether you view it as a science or a belief system, there's no denying its impact on creating harmonious living spaces.

Feng Shui vs. Vastu - A Brief Comparison

Feng Shui, a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing with one's environment, shares similarities with Vastu in promoting positive energy flow. Both practices emphasize the importance of object placement and orientation for overall well-being. While the cultural and geographical origins differ, the underlying principles are aimed at creating balance and harmony in your surroundings.

In a world filled with distractions and stressors, ensuring a good night's sleep has become more important than ever. Vastu offers a unique perspective on how the arrangement of objects and the energy they carry can impact your sleep quality. By adhering to these guidelines and creating a serene sleep environment, you can potentially experience a more restful and rejuvenating slumber.

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