Grilled meat can raise your blood pressure
Grilled meat can raise your blood pressure

We all love to eat grilled, broiled, or roasted fish, chicken or beef. They always are tempting and your stomach craves for it. But unfortunately, anything consumed more is not always good. These high-temperature cooked dishes release a chemical that may raise your blood pressure levels.

According to a study, this type of food also causes cardiovascular diseases. The findings showed 17% higher risk of developing high blood pressure among those who eat this sort of food more than 15 times a month. The risk was 15% higher among those who prefer their food well done, compared with those who prefer lighter meats.

The study showed that when meat protein is charred or exposed to high temperatures, it produces chemicals known as heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs), which also raise the risk of hypertension.

"The chemicals produced by cooking meats at high temperatures induce oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance in animal studies, and these pathways may also lead to an elevated risk of developing high blood pressure," says a research student in Harvard.

Oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance affect the inner linings of blood vessels and are associated with the development of atherosclerosis, the disease process that underlies heart disease and causes the arteries to become narrowed.

"Our findings suggest that it may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure if you don't eat these foods cooked well done and avoid the use of open-flame and/or high-temperature cooking methods, including grilling/barbequing and broiling," he added.

For the study, the team analysed cooking methods and the development of high blood pressure in a total of 103,941 men and women who regularly ate beef, poultry or fish.

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