US President Donald Trump threatens to freeze WHO funding
US President Donald Trump threatens to freeze WHO funding

Washington: In the United States and the World Health Organization (WHO), the global pandemic corona virus has become increasingly fierce. US President Donald Trump had already banned funding by the US to the WHO, now Trump has written a letter to WHO Chief Tedros Ghebreyes.

US President Donald Trump has written in this letter that if the World Health Organization (WHO) does not make major changes in its policy and organization in the next thirty days, the US will stop its funding forever. Let me tell you that the funding has been stopped for some time only by the US. Not only this, the US President has written in the letter that America can also reconsider its membership in the World Health Organization (WHO).

Let us tell you that the US has been constantly accused that the WHO has taken great care in the coronavirus case and has completely taken the side of China, that is why the whole world is suffering. In a letter written by Donald Trump, the WHO has been accused of ignoring all reports about the corona virus from Wuhan in December 2019.

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