Drink water in such a way, your weight will be reduced rapidly
Drink water in such a way, your weight will be reduced rapidly

Almost every fatty guy and girl wants to reduce their weight and are desperate to look slim in every possible ways but a question puzzles their mind which stops them in going ahead, so here is the question which stings them every time, What to do to lose weight? Listening to this question in your mind many things comes in your mind like running, exercising and dieting. Yes, these are all great tricks, but there is a best way then all these tricks. This technique is quite easy and effective and its name is water. Yes, by drinking water you can also lose weight, now you will say how it is possible that we tell you.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink two glasses of lukewarm water, so that all the toxins get out from your body. Drink hot water in a few drops of lemon with honey, you will soon see a whistle.

Boil curry leaves in water then cool it and drink. This will reduce your body's extra fat.

Boil cumin seeds in the water, add some drops of lemon and drink it every morning. The juice gives potassium and magnesium metabolism present in it.

Eat Flake Seeds with Hot Water. It will reduce fat and also give shine on the face.

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