Drunken bridegrooms do dirty talks, as the bride comes to know about it then.....
Drunken bridegrooms do dirty talks, as the bride comes to know about it then.....

A recent case of crime shocked everyone. The door was flooded, but as soon as the door-to-door ceremony began, the bridegroom began to swing drunk and was shocked to see it. Not only that, the bridegroom began to be rude to the women, and as soon as the bride came to know about it, she refused to take turns. According to reports, as soon as the bride refused, the girl's side reached the seventh sky and took the bartenders hostage and did not let the tourists go until the wedding ceremony was paid back.

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The case is said to be from a village under Nunsar police post at Patan police station where Barat came from Sagar district on Sunday evening. As per the information received in the case, the bride took a bold step to save her life from being ruined by the groom and the bride was being praised throughout the region throughout the day.

In this case, the girl's side held the bartenders hostage all night, after which the dispute broke out at around 3 p.m. on Monday afternoon and the situation was marquest. In the meantime, someone informed the police and the police on the spot compromised the two families. In this case, the matter has now calmed down and Barat went empty-handed.

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