Tollywood’s elegant actor Allu Arjun celebrated Dussehra with fulls of enthusiasm. Having a trip at his mother in law’s place in a village with wife Sneha and kids he enjoyed the color festivity. The well known actor chose to celebrate the festival in a only one of its kind and desi style. Worth mention here Allu Arjun’s father in law Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy belongs to Chintapally village of Nalgonda district. He is a politician. The actor also interacted and met residents of the village. Donned in a white kurta and denim He looked dapper as we can see in the below photos. Enjoying the fatherhood Allu Arjun also spent some time with the kids there. The actor took to instagram to share a couple of pictures on social media.
Allu’s wife Sneha also took to photo sharing platform to share a delightful family picture of them. Allu Arjun captioned his post, “Happyyyy Dussera ! Went to Sneha’s village Chintapalli for Dussera. Experienced Telangana traditions … Memorable time.”
Meanwhile, his followers are excitedly waiting to know about Allu Arjun’s next film. The actor was last appeared on screen in Naa Peru Surya. The film had got a good response at the box-office as well as from the audience.