Earbuds under Rs 5,000: These buds come with ANC and ENC features, you will also get different enjoyment of music
Earbuds under Rs 5,000: These buds come with ANC and ENC features, you will also get different enjoyment of music

If you're in the market for earbuds that offer Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) features while keeping your budget under Rs 5,000, you're in for a treat. These affordable earbuds not only provide a sanctuary of tranquility but also deliver an enhanced music-listening experience. Let's dive into the world of budget-friendly earbuds that promise to elevate your music journey.

ANC and ENC Explained

What is ANC?

ANC, or Active Noise Cancellation, is a technology designed to reduce external ambient sounds, allowing you to immerse yourself in your music without distractions. It works by using microphones to pick up external sounds and generating sound waves that are 180 degrees out of phase with the incoming noise, effectively canceling it out.

What is ENC?

Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) is a feature that focuses on eliminating background noises during calls. It uses microphones to capture external sounds and then processes them to reduce interference, ensuring crystal-clear conversations.

The Top Picks

1. OnePlus Buds Z2

The OnePlus Buds Z2 are a standout choice in this budget range, offering both ANC and ENC. With powerful drivers and adaptive noise cancellation, these earbuds deliver rich audio quality.

2. Realme Buds Air 3

Realme's Buds Air 3 boasts impressive ANC capabilities. These earbuds are equipped with multiple microphones that effectively filter out unwanted noise, enhancing your audio experience.

3. Mi Earbuds 5 Pro

Xiaomi's Mi Earbuds 5 Pro are known for their active noise cancellation and remarkable sound quality. They also feature ENC for impeccable call clarity.

The Benefits of ANC and ENC

Enhanced Music Experience

ANC and ENC technology ensures that you enjoy your music without being disrupted by background noises or disturbances. Whether you're on a crowded bus or in a noisy cafe, your music will sound as it should.

Improved Call Quality

With ENC, your voice is isolated from background noise during calls, making sure your conversations are crisp and clear, even in challenging environments.

Long-lasting Battery Life

Most earbuds in this price range come with impressive battery life. You can enjoy hours of ANC and ENC without constantly recharging.

What to Look For

When choosing the right earbuds with ANC and ENC features, consider the following factors:

Battery Life

Look for earbuds with extended battery life to ensure you can enjoy your music and calls without frequent charging.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort is key for long listening sessions. Find earbuds with ergonomic designs and various ear tip sizes for the best fit.

Sound Quality

The audio experience matters. Opt for earbuds that offer clear, balanced sound quality.


Consider earbuds with reliable Bluetooth connectivity for a seamless experience.

Making Your Decision

Choosing the perfect pair of earbuds under Rs 5,000 with ANC and ENC features can be a delightful journey. Assess your priorities, whether it's top-notch sound quality, prolonged battery life, or superior call clarity, and make an informed decision. ANC and ENC earbuds under Rs 5,000 are your gateway to an enriched music experience and better call quality. With these budget-friendly options, you can savor your favorite tunes and stay connected without breaking the bank. So, which ANC and ENC earbuds will you choose to elevate your audio journey?

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