Eating right is not enough, exercise is a must !
Eating right is not enough, exercise is a must !

With so much puzzled lifestyle and busy schedule, it is not possible to continue the exercise regime on a regular basis but it is a must. Eating healthy and right food is very important to stay fit and healthy. Due to shortage of time no one is interested in daily exercise regime.

Here are some tips how can manage to do simple physical activities with eating a healthy diet for maintaining your weight and staying slim.

1. Ditch your office chair:

If you have a sitting job that usually everyone has now a days, it becomes so difficult to reduce belly fat. But you can always stand up and attend phone calls while standing. Don't sit for all the time, stand and manage files, stand and do ur other pending work and don't stick to the chair always.

2. Take a walk at lunch time:

When you have break at lunch time, go and take a walk after eating lunch. This even freshens you up and gives you the energy to work all over again. Walking is very important for the body and researches say sitting or sleeping direct after lunch puts on extra weight.

3. Eat mindfully:


Think and eat right and in right proportion. Skip fats and sweets as it just increases calories. Instead eat fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses and cereals, juices and even plenty of water as water can flush away all your toxins of the body.

4. Challenge yourself:

Take a community race, marathon, and other outdoor activities involved among the group to challenge yourself as we had done in school timings.

5. Go online:

Take online apps and programmes related to fitness, exercise and health. You can watch programs of foreign health instructors too and perform exercise at your home itself, no need to travel for that as well.

6. Be balanced:

As we used to be in our school days, eating with doing a lot of activities. Only exercises and no diet will make you weak and dull. Therefore balancing between healthy diet and exercise is very important for overall active and fit personality.

Experts say incorporating some simple physical exercises and healthy lifestyle makes even mind more sharp and the person more energetic resulting in building confidence and successful life.

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