Effective remedies to cure and prevent migraine headaches
Effective remedies to cure and prevent migraine headaches

It is hard to deal with the Migraines as they last as the pain is throbbing, and you are sensitive to light and sound. When Some one experiences migraine pain, they are too desperate to try anything to stop the pain. Home remedies can actually proved effecting in dealing with it.  


Ginger is known to relieve a lot of problems like cold, cough, etc. and is also equally effective in curing migraine. As per the study, ginger powder has the same effect on the migraine as a pain killer, and with fewer side effects.

Lavender oil

People who inhaled lavender oil experienced pain relief faster than other who inhaled a placebo when they were feeling migraine pain. Lavender oil can be inhaled directly or applied on the temple after diluting.


It is an ancient Asian medical treatment that uses pressure points in the body to release trapped energy that is believed to cause pain when it gets trapped. It is widely used around the world to treat heart problems, diabetes, and even a hangover.  It can cure migraine pain also.


Breathing exercises can release the tension in the temple that may trigger a migraine and also calm anxiety which is again a trigger for migraine headaches.


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