Egg peels can increase the beauty of your face
Egg peels can increase the beauty of your face

Eggs Most people like food. But do you know that egg shells can increase the beauty of our face. Using egg shells you can get rid of all the problems related to your skin. Today we are going to tell you about some beauty benefits of egg shells. 

To make the face mask of egg shell, first break the eggs and remove the skins. Now wash them well and keep them dry in the sun. When these peels dry well, grind them and make them powder. 

1- If you have stains of stains on your face, then put a little vinegar in the egg shells powder and put it on your face. Now massage your face with light hands. Wash your face with cold water after 15 minutes. By doing this daily, the scars of your face will be removed. 

2- If you are worried about your shawl, then put lemon juice and vinegar in the egg shells on your face. When it gets dry, wash it with cold water. Doing this will enhance your face color. 

3- Using egg shells, you can also get rid of the problem of rustic skin. To remove the skin's dryness, add a little aloe vera gel to the egg shells powder and mix well. Now put it on your face and let it dry. When it gets dry, wash your face with cold water. Doing so will keep moisture in your face and your skin's skin problem will be overcome.


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