Electric Cars Will Curb Terrorism, Learn How!
Electric Cars Will Curb Terrorism, Learn How!

Terrorism has become a global issue for the whole world today. Hardly a day passes when news of a terrorist attack is not published in newspapers. Even Pakistan, which is rearing terror, is troubled by terror. But it will be strange to hear that electric vehicles can play a major role in curbing terrorism. You might be wondering what electric vehicles have to do with terrorism? Let us know the full details

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The most accurate answer to your information is 'oil'. Today, terrorism is mostly in countries where there are oil reserves, while terrorist organizations are the most funded Muslim countries, where oil is abundant. ISIS and Al Qaeda, the most feared organization of Islamic terrorism, also thrive in countries where the entire economy is dependent on oil. ISIS once had assets worth two billion dollars, or $13,000 crore, and it had captured and araised the oil fields. During that time, ISIS used to sell oil from its occupied refineries and wells in northern Iraq and Syria by selling oil for one to two million dollars, or about Rs 13 crore. From Syria alone, the organization extracted 44 thousand barrels of crude oil daily and 4,000 barrels of crude oil from Iraq.

As for the world's top oil producing nations, Saudi Arabia's oil production is 9.9 million barrels per day, accounting for 12.65 percent of the total number of oil barrels produced in the world daily. Iran produces about 4.23 million barrels of oil per day, accounting for 4.77 per cent of the daily oil production. Iraq extracts 3.4 million barrels of oil daily, which is 3.75 per cent of the daily oil production. In addition, the United Arab Emirates produces about 3.09 million barrels of oil per day, including seven emirates, which produces 3.32 per cent of the world's daily requirement. All these countries are part of the Organization of the OAS, the Oil Exporting Countries, which is a major player in Middle East Asia politics. OPEC comprises 14 countries, though Qatar was part of it earlier, but in 2018 it pulled out of the organization. According to 2019 data, all these nations have oil reserves of 79.4 per cent of the world's total needs. All nations of the world depend on these nations for their daily oil needs.

According to a US Energy Information Report, the total oil exports of all these OPEC countries in 2018 stood at 71,800 million dollars. Saudi Arabia alone earned the highest grossing $16,700 million. According to 2017 data, there are Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in terms of per capita income from oil exports. The average income of Kuwaq and Qatar is $11,000 per person, while Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates earn an average of $5,000 per person. , which is spent on charity and other activities. The money goes to the needy as well as to organizations working for religious activities from where the money goes to terrorist organisations in other ways. Robert O. Collins, co-author of the book 'Warnings for Jihad', says in his book That there are more than 10,000 institutions out of which more than 100 institutions fund terrorists, while some mosques and programs promoting Islam are They spend on making madrasas, but the money comes to the jehadis through hawala and other means. Many of these organizations have been banned from time to time, but on the strength of their contacts, they are resurrecting new names and doing the same.

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A research paper, known as Terrorist Financing Recruiting and Attacks, was published in October 2018, its author Nikola Limodeo revealed, especially in Pakistan, where the highest amount of Zakat is collected on the occasion of Eid. Everyone is required to pay Zakat amount equal to the price of 600 grams of silver in the international market around Eid. When silver prices rise, these organisations receive huge donations. According to non-governmental data, Zakat's donation during Ramadan alone from a country like India can range from Rs 30,000 crore to Rs 40,000 crore. However, there has been no study in India yet, as the entire donation is cash and there is no agreement. It is believed that all this is black money. All this donation is taken in the name of education, employment and religion. The annual budget of the country's richest Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is Rs 37 thousand crore.

According to a report by the Global Humanitarian Assistance, in Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, where 17 percent of the world's Muslim population lives, $570 million is collected through Zakat every year. Turkey, on the other hand, is the third largest country to pay Zakat, especially to Syria and Somalia. At the G-20 summit held in Antalya, Turkey in 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that nearly 40 countries funding terrorist organizations such as ISIS. He also said that some countries in the G-20 are also helping terrorism. However, it is not as if only Muslim countries are responsible for funding terrorists. Citizens of countries like the UK, the US, also fund them. According to Britain's official intelligence report, their citizens have contributed thousands of pounds to Islamic extremist institutions.

The business development head of Tesla Motors, the world's largest electric cars manufacturer, Dimurud Oconel, said in an article that climate change was not really the biggest concern. Some business is not hidden in it. He says that we need to understand that the sooner we separate ourselves from oil, the faster we electrify our transportation, the faster we will separate ourselves from religious and civil wars. Why do we give money to countries we don't like, he says. We need to find ways to get our money back into the hands of those terrorist organisations. As oil dependence decreases, and electric vehicles are encouraged, it will sharply reduce the income of nations that help terrorism through the oil economy. Electric cars have emerged rapidly to help humanity. While pollution may be an important issue for promoting electric cars, terrorism is a far bigger issue than that.

According to the information received, there are many countries, including China, the United States, Norway, where electric cars are becoming very popular and sales are steadily increasing. According to 2018 data, Norway accounted for 49.14 per cent, Iceland 19.14 per cent, Sweden 8 per cent, Niderland 6.69 per cent, Finland 4.74 per cent, China 4.44 per cent, Portugal 3.44 per cent, Switzerland 3.18 per cent, Britain 2.53 per cent, Canada 2.22 per cent, France at 2.22 per cent. Among them, electric vehicles sold 2.10 per cent, us 2.09 per cent, S. Korea 2.05 per cent and Germany 1.97 per cent. While sales of electric vehicles in India have reached 7.5 lakh units in May 2019, the figure in 2018 was only 56 thousand vehicles - 1.26 lakh two-wheelers, 6.30 lakh three-wheelers and 3,600 electric passenger vehicles by 2019.


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