Elnaaz Norouzi is doing this work in lockdown
Elnaaz Norouzi is doing this work in lockdown

There is a lock-down in many countries to avoid the coronavirus. People are imprisoned in homes from common people to celebs. German actress and, Elnaaz Norouzi loves nature. During the quarantine, she has adopted a new routine, which focuses on gardening. Elnaaz has extensive knowledge of plants and is now using it in gardening during the lockdown in Germany.

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She has said about this time, "I just love plants. I think my whole family is like that, my aunt and my mother love gardening! So I think it came from them. And now that I have so much time, I thought I should do gardening. "

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She further said about this, "This is amazing. I sometimes get so lost in it that I forget everything around me. Maybe when I come back to India, I keep gardening with lots of plants around me Find a way to keep it." She further said that "I urge everyone to follow the protocol set during the lockdown and try to see it positively. " 

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