Corona continues wreaking havoc in Europe, One-month lockdown reimposed in this country
Corona continues wreaking havoc in Europe, One-month lockdown reimposed in this country

London: A four-week new lockdown has enforced from today amid the second wave of Coronavirus in England. In this lockdown, people will have to stay inside their houses, while unnecessary shops, pubs and gyms will remain closed. Media reports said that on Wednesday, MPs voted in favour of a motion to impose lockdown, resolution of the lockdown being passed by 516 votes.

This lockdown will remain in force until 2 December. After this, MPs will again vote on the next step to tackle the virus. Under the new lockdown rules, which come into effect from Thursday, there will be a restriction on mixing indoors or out. All unnecessary retailers and entertainment venues will remain closed. Pubs and restaurants will also remain closed. In this lockdown, orders have been given to keep schools, universities open, and people will be able to meet any other person, but not in any outdoor public place such as park or beach.

The head of the National Police Chief's Council, Martin Hewitt, said in a warning that fines will be taken against those who violate the rules. Earlier during a debate in the House of Commons, PM Boris Johnson said that none of us wanted to do another lockdown, but I am not ready to take any risk with the lives of the British people.

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