Exam time? Don't get panic!
Exam time? Don't get panic!

The class 10th exam is the first step in building up a great academic portfolio. Students appearing CBSE class 10th Board exam this year shall be much nervous.

To enhance the preparation here are some of the very important tips for CBSE class 10 preparation.

1. First thing in the morning, decide targets for the day. Do not take more than two minutes for this.

2. Take a short target for next 25 minutes, one specific topic. Don't think beyond 25 minutes at a time.

3. Take small break of few minutes every 40 minutes.

4. Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Leave study at least 30 minutes before sleep.

5. Unless really necessary, avoid caffeine. They may lengthen your waking time. But they can also disturb your sleep, reduce grasping capacity of brain, and make you feel tired when you wake up.

6. Play music, or sing, or dance, or simply meditate during the short study breaks.

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