Exclusive;Google making two Smartwatches!
Exclusive;Google making two Smartwatches!

Google is making two smartwatches of its own, according to a report of Android Police. The website also claimed that the Android Wear OS based smartwatches will be released some time after the release Nexus phones this year.

Google is reportedly developing two new Android smartwatches with integrated Google Assistant services that would be sold under Nexus nameplates sometime after the company's latest upcoming smartphones are released.

"One watch will be larger, sportier, and more fully-featured (LTE, GPS, heart rate), the other will be smaller and lack the aforementioned mobile data and GPS," the report further claimed.

"The assistant is an ambient experience that will work seamlessly across devices and contexts," Google wrote in a post following the developer conference in May.

"So you can summon Google's help no matter where you are or what the context. It builds on all our years of investment in deeply understanding users' questions."

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