Exercises to get a flexible body
Exercises to get a flexible body

Flexibilityopf body is very important as it improves posture, reduces stiffness in the body and makes exercising and working out easier. It  also reduces the soreness of muscles and increases blood flow and circulation to them. Therefore today we bring yor expercise to make your body flecible.


Dancing is a great workout and  also a great way to make your body and muscles very flexible. You can alternate between dance forms you like and include them as workouts in your routine to get more flexible.

Rotations for neck stretching

 neck stretching is extremely important and the muscles should be flexible to keep your posture right. Roll your neck in clock-wise motion and repeat in an anti-clockwise motion. Bend your neck to the left and then to the right, and repeat this for about 20 times.

Yoga asanas for abdominal muscles

According to yoga, this helps in improving metabolism and digestion also, apart from just keeping your muscles strong. You can try the upward dog, downward dog, bridge, or similar yoga asanas to exercise these muscles and to make them more flexible

Tai chi for mind and body

It is basically meditation in motion. The calming effect of tai chi on the brain is very relaxing and is highly recommended and the effects of tai chi practice which takes you from one posture to another is also great for the body's flexibility.

Cow face arms for the shoulders

An exercise that really opens up your shoulders and makes your body very flexible is the cow face yoga pose. You can also try poses like the child's pose and eagle arms.

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