Make eyes look more beautiful on the festival of Teej
Make eyes look more beautiful on the festival of Teej

The festival of Teej is nearer and women pay more attention to their beauty on this occasion. The festival of Teej also brings a lot of joy in the lives of every married woman. So we're going to give you some makeup tips that can make you look even more beautiful on the Teej. If you are doing beautiful eye makeup, you should know these things about eye makeup.

First, clean your eyes for eye makeup.

Then you can start making makeup and take the items used in eye makeup.

Now, with the introduction of eye makeup, the first apply eye-primer so eyeshadow will stay for a long time on the eyes, which also stimulates the color of the eyes while softening the skin.

Then highlight the middle part of your eyelids and eyebrows so that you can shape your eyes right lyrically as you give the eye according to your face.

After applying a highlighter on the eyes, you can select eyeshadow as per face makeup.

Then don't forget to apply mascara on your eyelids, and Mascara is very much a great way to stimulate your eyes.

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