Facebook Launchs new suicide Prevention tools!!!
Facebook Launchs new suicide Prevention tools!!!

Facebook -introduced updated tools and educational resources to help support people in India who may be struggling with self-injury or may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.

New suicide prevention tools on Facebook Developed in collaboration with mental health organizations and with input from people who have personal experience with self-injury and suicide, these tools first launched in the US with the help of Forefront, Lifeline, and Save.org.

Today, we are rolling them out in India in collaboration with local partners (AASRA and The Live Love Laugh Foundation) in English and Hindi. Whoose take decision of sucuide.

- Suicide is one of the top three causes of death among the young in the age group of 15-35 years

- The psychological, social and financial impact of suicide on the family and the society is immeasurable.

- About 1 lakh people die by suicide in India every year.

- 3 people in a day in Mumbai commit suicide.

- 2 in a week in Navi Mumbai commit suicide.

- Each suicide leaves at least 6 people devastated.6 lakhs people become survivors every year in India.

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