Failing is bad. Best quotes Precious Word in English
Failing is bad. Best quotes Precious Word in English

1-Failing is bad

But it is great to not try.


2-Those who are afraid of falling

They can never fly


3-Look at the clock when someone is not working

And when you are working, do not look at the clock


4-A small step in the right direction also proves to be very big.


5-Don't wait as much as you think life is getting faster than that


6-Life always gives us a second chance, which is called "Tomorrow"


7-Destiny also gives the same of courageous people


8-the worst misery in life-"the joy of spending"


9-Some people stumble and disintegrate

Some people stumble and make history


10-Many lessons are not found in the books Yarrow

Some lessons teach life too

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