FAO and WHO to find Listeria sat together discussing tincture in US
FAO and WHO to find Listeria sat together discussing tincture in US

New Delhi:- The experts made several recommendations in anticipation of the potential for updating guidelines for the control of Listeria in food. The scientists were convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization. (WHO).

The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbial Risk Assessment (JEMRA) was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from late May to early June 2023, to carry out a Listeria monocytogenes risk assessment in several foods using templates developed from the previous meeting.

At the first meeting, the expert group worked on models for lettuce, cantaloupe, frozen vegetables and ready-to-eat fish (RTE) and said they should be programmed, tested and modified.

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During the second meeting, several risk assessment models were developed and evaluated to describe the risk of listeriosis from consumption of RTE cubed cantaloupe, frozen vegetables, and cold smoked RTE fish. However, the lettuce model is not yet ready for evaluation.

Meetings required by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene to conduct a risk assessment from production to consumption of Listeria monocytogenes in food. This will guide any future revisions to the guidelines on general principles of food hygiene for the control of pathogens in food.

Risk assessment models are believed to be useful and fit for purpose, but dose-response modeling can be improved by considering additional factors, such as muscle health status. copies of people at risk. Experts say the models are still available as open source tools. Final product sampling and microbiological testing alone do little to reduce risk, even when applied to each batch, but these methods can help verify the effectiveness of control measures.

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In the RTE diced cantaloupe model, using water suitable for primary production use and irrigation systems that avoid contact between water and the edible part of the crop reduces risk. Poor management of wash water and sanitation during processing increases the risk.

Climate change may increase the prevalence of Listeria contamination in soil, leading to reduced agricultural water quality and increased storage temperatures. Blanching reduces the risk of Listeria in frozen vegetables. However, post-bleach contamination and growth of pathogens can occur. If frozen non-RTE vegetables are consumed without being thoroughly cooked, thawing practices affect the risk.

Higher levels of Listeria on imported fish and poor sanitation practices during filleting and slicing increase the risk. Adding lactic acid and diacetate or lactic acid bacteria cultures to the product will reduce the risk of reduced growth. For the climate, an increase in initial Listeria levels in raw fish and storage temperatures throughout the product's shelf life can lead to greater risks.

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WHO asked for experts who could contribute to the development of estimates of the global burden of foodborne illness. The agency is in the process of updating its 2010 estimates that were published in 2015. Revised figures are expected in 2025.

The primary role will be to participate in a structured expert evocative study of the etiology of foodborne illness and other pathways. A team led by Dr Tina Nane, an associate professor at Delft University of Technology, was selected to carry out the research through a competitive bidding process. The Food Burden of Disease Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG) supports WHO in its efforts. Estimates of the global burden of foodborne illness involve different data from a variety of sources.

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Systematic review and surveillance data will provide estimates of the true incidence of foodborne hazards. Disease models were then used to estimate the impact of these diseases on mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). 

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