Father used to molest women, angry son did this
Father used to molest women, angry son did this

Recently, a case of crime has come to light from Agra, where a young man sent his father to jail. In this case, the son said that the father molested the women of the locality under the influence of alcohol and threatened to kill her if she protested. In this case, the family is scared because of this and the son complained against the father on Sunday in the police station. On the information received in this case, the father also confronted the police and somehow caught him and brought him to the police station.

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At the same time, on the complaint of the son, a case was filed against the father and after that, he has been sent to jail. In this case, a resident of Nagla Rambal complained that his father drinks alcohol daily and then molest the women of the locality. At the same time, he also used to abuse and assault her mother in the house. At the same time, he further said that if someone protests, then he takes a knife and razor in his hand and threatens to kill himself.

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Now the police have filed a complaint in this matter and on Saturday night also the young man's father acted again. At the same time, the police reached the information of the son and the police tried to catch him, but he escaped. After that, he was found and caught.

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