Few tips on how to stop breastfeeding!!!
Few tips on how to stop breastfeeding!!!

The decision on whether to breastfeed or not, is always left up to the mother. But the decision on when to stop is not always 100% in her hands. There are various factors which could impact when you stop breastfeeding. You can breastfeed your baby if you wish but there may come a time when you want to stop.

Let it happen naturally

As baby consumes more solid food and other liquids, they will turn to the breast less often and your milk supply will naturally dry up without the pain.

Find a substitute

When you're ready to stop breast feeding, you need a suitable substitute that is nutritious enough to meet the baby's needs. Consult your paediatrician about foods that will ease the baby's transition from breastfeeding to eating from a bottle or cup.

Changing your position

A breastfeeding baby knows exactly where to look when you hold him in the nursing position and he smells your milk. Hold him in different positions for feeding when you switch to a bottle.

Use Cabbage leaves

This is an age-old method to stop breastfeeding. Place the raw leaves on your breast and inside the bra. The leaves help soak the milk. Try the leaves therapy for a few days. Replace with fresh leaves every day.

Ask someone else to take over night feed

By doing so, the baby stops seeking solace from mom during hours of darkness. This may take some time, but baby will eventually get adjusted to the new night time routine and will probably even start sleeping through the night as well.

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