Flowers kept in pockets according to war
Flowers kept in pockets according to war

Flowers have special importance in worship in Hinduism. Indeed, according to Vastu, negative energy is reduced by flowers and positive energy increases. On the other hand, if you are going somewhere for a particular work, then according to that day, keep a special flower in your pocket, then the chances of getting success are increased. So today, we'll tell you which flower to keep in your pocket.

1. Sunday is dedicated to Suryadev. For this reason, you can keep mudar flowers on this day.

2. Monday is dedicated to Lord Chandra dev, on this day keep lavender flowers in pockets.

3. Tuesday is the day of Mars. On this day, keep red flowers in pockets.

4. Wednesday is the day of the planet Mercury. On this day, lily ie Kumud flowers should be kept in the pocket.

5. The day of Thursday is dedicated to Devguru Jupiter. Keep lotus flowers with you on this day.

6. Friday is related to the planet Venus. On this day, keep violet-coloured flowers in your pocket.

7. Saturday belongs to the planet Saturn. On this day, keep blue Lajwanti or dark coloured flowers in your pockets.

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