Footwear care: A comprehensive guide to your collection !
Footwear care: A comprehensive guide to your collection !

Footwear needs care too. We often avoid footwear care and choose to replace our expensive shoes when they get little damaged. A little care can make your footwear live longer. Let's see how:

Proper Dusting

Dust regularly your shoes with the brush, because once the dust will settle down on the shoes it will completely spoil the texture and shine of your footwear. Also keep the shoe rack clean. 

Use quality products

Whatever shoe cleaning or caring product (like brush, shoe cream, spray,etc) you use, make sure it holds quality. Bad quality will give shine and texture for one day but harm your shoe in the longer run. 


Weather impact the material of shoe to a high extent. Especially leather.You can use a weatherproof spray to prevent your shoes from changing weather. 

Keep them away from heat

Heat can cause major damage to your footwears. Overdrying can make your shoes stiff and brittle, while excessive contact with sunlight will fade the colour away.

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