For 1300 years, people here have not kept their feet on the ground, the reason is extremely special
For 1300 years, people here have not kept their feet on the ground, the reason is extremely special

Usually, people live on the ground, although do you know that there is a tribe in the world that has not set foot on the ground for 1,300 years and you will be surprised to know why?

The name of the tribe is Tanka, which resides in China and the people here prefer to live in the sea, not on the ground. Water is their world and about 7000 people from the Tanka tribe have settled in the sea-floating village.

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In China's southeast region, families of about 7000 fishermen are living in their traditional boat houses and these houses are floating on the sea and remain a whole settlement of these quaint houses. The marine fishing settlement is floating in the sea near Ningde City in the southeast of Fujian State. These are called 'Gypsy of the Sea'. In fact, China was ruled by the Tang Dynasty in 700 AD and at that time the Soldering tribe had lived in their boats at sea to escape the war and since then they were called the 'Gypsy of the Sea'. These people rarely set foot on the ground.

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