For the great beginning of this year chant Gayatri Mantra and see the miracle
For the great beginning of this year chant Gayatri Mantra and see the miracle

Gayatri Mantra is also considered as a miraculous mantra. This is exactly what you would like to chant with it –

In the pronunciation of mantras, it is considered to be very powerful and holds a special place in all the Mantras, Gayatri Mantra. It is not only to give peace but to correctly chant it is believed that it also provides health benefits.

What are Gayatri Mantra and its meaning is

'Gayatri', 'Savitri' and 'Saraswati' are the names of the same Brahmashakti. Whatever the Sat-Beasat in this world is all Brahmasarupa Gayatri. Gayatri Mantra has been told the essence of all the Vedas.

There are 24 letters in the Gayatri mantra and we pronounce it like this - 

''O Bharubhuvava: Self: Tattvatvarvarvaranyya Bhaggo Devas slow down. Dhiyo Yo Na: Pramodayat''

It has a simple meaning: We are meditating about the brightness of the divine, who composed the universe, this fast of divine inspiration to move our intellect to the right path. How to Make Gayatri Mantra Chant

-Gayatri Mantra brings a sense of peace in mind, concentration also increases. But there are some rules to chant it: 

- Gayatri Mantra should be chanted in a quiet and holy place. Wear clean clothes for bathing, etc. for this.

-To chant Gayatri Mantra, sit on the seat of Kush in front of the statue of Gayatri Mata or picture. After worshiping, chant the Gayatri Mantra with calm mind. This number should be at least 108.

- It is best to use Rudraksh's garland to chant this mantra.

At what time do

-chanting of Gayatri Mantra has been told three times for its chanting. The first time chanting of Gayatri Mantra is Pratata - when chanting mantras should be started just before sunrise. Chanting should be done till sunrise. Apart from this, this mantra is also chanted at noon.

-The third time for the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra is sometime before sunset. Before sunset, chanting mantra should be chanted after sunset sometime after sunset.

-If there is a chanting of Gayatri Mantra in addition to these three times, then keeping silent should be done mentally. Mantra should not be chanting in a loud voice.

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