Force 3 will definitely happen, confirmed by John Abraham
Force 3 will definitely happen, confirmed by John Abraham

Actor John Abraham who is also producer of Force 2 confirms that they will soon start working on next installment of Force. As both the sequels was highly liked by audience.

"We will definitely make ‘Force 3’ and Abhinay Deo will direct it. Vipul (Shah) and I will co-produce the film. We will be starting the film in the middle of 2017,” John told.

The 43 years old John who is also known for his killer looks and body came to a party on bike, “Whenever I feel happy I love to ride a bike. As the response for the film is good, so I thought to do some bike ride.

“We are celebrating the success of the film. We have worked so hard on this film and it makes me happy that the results have been fantastic.”

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