Malini Gaur write letter to CM, due to Tax enhancing by Indore Municipal Corporation's
Malini Gaur write letter to CM, due to Tax enhancing by Indore Municipal Corporation's

Indore: The Indore Municipal Corporation has decided to double the waste management fee as well as the tax on water from April 1. Many people are looking at this decision. In fact, a new tax will also be levied as a sewerage charge. Now, among all these, the leaders of the Indore Municipal Corporation have started protesting against the decision. Recently, former Indore mayor and BJP MLA Malini Gaur have written a letter to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan opposing the doubling of tax. In his letter to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, he said, "The decision taken by the Indore Municipal Corporation to double the tax is not correct. The corporation officials did not even discuss with the public representatives before deciding to increase the tax. But the municipal corporation's decision is not in the interest of the people, so the tax hike should be withdrawn. It is not a correct decision.'' In addition, Malini Gaur also wrote in her letter that "the increase in tax in this difficult time will make the public face difficulties, so the tax should not be increased. Even once in my mayor's tenure, the tax was not increased. Even then, the municipal income had increased.'' Therefore, the Municipal corporation should take other measures to increase income. Malini Gaur has requested the Chief Minister to withdraw the decision.

On the direction of state government, the Indore Municipal Corporation has increased the house-to-house waste management and water tax. The first half-inch tap connection had to pay a fee of Rs 200 per month, but now it has to pay Rs 400. Further, the garbage collection fee was earlier Rs. 130 per month but now it has been increased to Rs. 260. At the same time, sewerage charges will also be levied by the corporation. In addition, milk has also become costlier by three rupees per liter in Indore from April one. Now, the private dairy and milk sellers, who were giving milk Rs. 46 per liter, will now give Rs. 49 per liter.

New house-to-house garbage collection charges
Area      Residential      Business

Zone 1          300               360
Zone 2          260               320
Zone 3          200               280
Zone 4          180               240
Zone 5          120               200

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