Fossils of alien life on Earth? THIS IS TRUTH.
Fossils of alien life on Earth? THIS IS TRUTH.

The concept of extraterrestrial life has always fascinated humans. We have made many efforts to comprehend technology as it has developed. As a result of technological development, new opportunities to do so continue to exist. In order to find out if life is present—or has ever been present—on these heavenly bodies, we have made numerous observations of Venus and Mars, and NASA will soon send missions to investigate the moons of Saturn and Uranus. We have also spent a lot of time observing beyond the solar system, even other galaxies, in an effort to find planets like the Earth that might be capable of supporting life. Surprisingly, a recent study contends that fossils left by extraterrestrial life may exist right here on Earth!

Similar assertions were made in a study titled "Solid grains ejected from terrestrial exoplanets as a probe of the abundance of life in the Milky Way" that was published in the International Journal of Astronomy. The lead author of the paper, University of Tokyo astronomer Tomonori Totani, speculates that there may be a good chance of finding microbial alien life on Earth, which may have entered our atmosphere as interstellar dust and is currently buried beneath the soil of our planet.

Can there be alien fossils on Earth?

Even though it is absurd, the theory has some merit. Its justification is supported by scientific evidence. Totani reveals that rocks and dust are ejected from the ground each time a large asteroid strikes a planet. A portion of it is also released into space, though the majority eventually settles back. At some point, about 10% of the total ejected volume will leave the solar system and head into interstellar space.

Even though the likelihood is extremely remote, it is possible that such minute rock fragments from a planet where life exists could travel through interstellar space with microbial life embedded deep inside to shield it from harmful radiation. The rock might be able to avoid being contaminated by other dust and could eventually reach Earth's atmosphere. Due to its small size, if that occurs, it won't heat up much and will eventually touch down on Earth.

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