FSDA to raid bread-making units for potassium bromate
FSDA to raid bread-making units for potassium bromate

Meerut, Food Safety and Drugs Administration (FSDA) said after the two days banned on use of potassium bromate that items that use bread will be tested for the prohibited additive.

According to JP Singh, chief food safety officer, "I have instructed all 18 food safety officers to start checking in their areas and take samples of breads, pavs, pizza bases and other edible items which use bread. Regular sampling checks were going on in the city but now we can take samples of the bread too after the recent ban. This ban will definitely intensify our raids."

"We will intensify our raids not just in terms of taking samples from bread making units. We will also test the bread used in food outlets like Pizza Hut and Dominos. Any food outlet selling bread with the banned additive will have to face consequences," said Singh.

There are three big bread-making units and many other small units in Merut.

 Authorities say unless samples are taken from each manufacturing unit, it can not be confirmed whether the producers use the banned product.

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