According to Garud Puran, you should never do this work, only then you will succeed!
According to Garud Puran, you should never do this work, only then you will succeed!

We are all aware that Hinduism has many things about human life and is also mentioned in the Garuda Purana. So by following all those things, man's values begin to increase respect, happiness, prosperity and he begins to succeed.

The Garuda Purana, therefore, states that man should avoid doing certain things. Yes, if humans do something lowly, their lives start to suffer and they start to move towards failure. So today we are going to tell you what are the tasks that man should not do and these are mentioned in the Garuda Purana.

Here is what Vidhya says on religion and science

* You all know that many people have a habit of donating or lending money to a person and that they continue to donate or give money to others even if they have low income. The Garuda Purana states that people are always unhappy with this nature. In fact, the Hindu scriptures say that man should always donate according to his ability, and if he cannot, he should not do it.

* The Garuda Purana states that parents who do not have sanskaras have children are humiliated in society because of their offspring. That is why parents should teach their children good rites so that they are respected in society. At the same time, people who live in harmony with the wrong people never get the honor. It is said that one should never sit in the company of those who are misbehaving and unrighteous.

* A man who thinks bad of others is never respected in society and should not harm others for his own benefit.

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