GATE 2018 To starts from Tomorrow; Important Points For Candidates
GATE 2018 To starts from Tomorrow; Important Points For Candidates

GATE 2018 will begin tomorrow. Applicants who are set to appear for the exam tomorrow should take care of few do's and don'ts. The exam will begin tomorrow at 9 am. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati is the official organiser of GATE 2018. According to the schedule released recently, Mechanical Engineering (ME), Engineering Sciences (XE), Life Sciences (XL), Ecology and Evolution (EY) and Petroleum Engineering (PE) GATE 2018 exams will be held on February 3 on the forenoon session. ME GATE 2018 exam also will be held scheduled for the afternoon session on the same day.

The exam will be held on 3, 4, 10 and 11 February 2018.

For GATE 2018, candidates will be allowed admit card, identification card and a pen to the exam hall. Electronic items are not permitted. Candidates will be provided with a virtual scientific calculator. 'If a candidate brings personal belongings including mobile phones, they have to be kept outside the examination hall at the candidate's own risk. The GATE officials are not responsible for the safekeeping of your personal items,' clarifies the official notification.

For visually challenged candidates there will magnified question paper and concerned candidates should contact the GATE Institute Representative through the invigilator in this regard.

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