Lord Shiva- Goddess Parvati married in this place
Lord Shiva- Goddess Parvati married in this place

In the Hindu civilization, 'Triyugi Narayan' located in Rudraprayag is such a holy place, where it is believed that in the Satyuga when Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati, it was the capital of 'Himvat'. Even today, people from all over the country gather to get children at this place and every year a fair is organized here on the day of Bawan Dwadashi in the month of September. Lord Shiva is considered here a lot.

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The fire of marriage hall is still burning today
It is believed that in order to please Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati had done penance beyond the Triyuginarayana temple called Gauri Kund, after which Lord Shiva married her mother in this temple. According to Jinkari, the same fire is still burning in that Havan Kund.

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People come from all over the country…
People from every part of the country come to seek the blessings of this fire to get children. It is believed that God is pleased only by having a darshan before the visit of Lord Kedarnath. Devotees from far and wide come here to fulfill their wishes.

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