General Knowledge: These questions will be important for competitive exams
General Knowledge: These questions will be important for competitive exams

1. India is a secular country. That means:
North - India has no religion at the state level

2. Connect the National Highway (National Highway).
North - Trade Centers and State Capitals

3. Which city is famous for the yield of grapes?
North - Nashik

4. Koina Dam is located-
North Maharashtra

5. Kharif crop is harvested
Answer - Early November

6. The glacier is a huge body of ice, which-
North - The top sites of the Himalayan Mountains are covered with shadows

7. Which is the meandered rock?
North - Marble

8.SAARC has a complete form-
North-South Asian Association for Regional Co-operations

9. Who discovered the sea route coming to India?
Answer: Vasco-the-Gama

10. With the opening of the Suez Canal, the route between the two continents was shortened
North – Asia and East Africa from Europe

also read: These General Knowledge questions answeres can bring success in the exam

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