Get clean and clear skin from using aloe vera
Get clean and clear skin from using aloe vera

No matter how beautiful your face may be, but if you have a problem with pimples on your face then your whole beauty gets spoiled.Most girls use expensive-expensive beauty products to get rid of the problem of Pimples. Despite spending so much money, the problem of Pimples is not well. Today we are going to tell you some ways that your pimples problem will be solved. 

Pipples may be a problem due to extra oil release from the skin. In this way you can use multani clay. For this, take multani clay in a bowl. Now add a little rose water to it and make paste. Now put it on your face and let it dry. After that wash it with cold water. By using multani clay regularly, the problem of the pimples present on your face will be solved. 

You can also get rid of the problem of Pimples by using Garlic. Garlic contains abundant antibacterial properties which help in removing the problem of Pimple. To get rid of the problem of pimples, mix 2-3 grams of garlic and get some water. Now put it on your pumpps. After 10 minutes wash your face with cold water. 

The use of aloe vera in the summer season is very beneficial. Using Aloe vera also you can get rid of the problem of pimples. To get rid of the problem of pimples, regularly apply aloe vera gel on the pimples before sleeping in the night. Doing this will solve the problem of your pimples.

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