Get glowing and unblemished skin to use This homemade face pack
Get glowing and unblemished skin to use This homemade face pack


Banana is a very delicious fruit. It is easily found every season. Banana is also very beneficial for our health. Banana contains some elements that are very beneficial for our skin. Using bananas, you can get rid of many problems related to skin. Banana is also used to remove dark circles, facial color refinement, pimples, corn and knee blackness. Cream and face masks are made using banana. Today we are going to tell you about a homemade cream made from banana which will enhance your skin's beauty. 


Half banana, 3 tablespoons milk 

How to make- 

Cut the banana into small pieces and put it in a bowl and mash well. Now add three spoonful milk and mix it well. Now put this cream on your face and neck with the help of your fingers. Wash your face with lukewarm water after 15 minutes and dry your face and neck with the towel. Keep in mind that this face pack is the best for people with normal skin only. Applying this cream keeps the face glow and the skin becomes soft.

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