Get ready for Ranbir’s cameo role in Imtiaz Ali’s next
Get ready for Ranbir’s cameo role in Imtiaz Ali’s next

New Delhi : Bollywood actor Ranbir kapoor just wrapped up his other two films. And according to Bollywood buzz, the Rockstar actor will be seen doing a cameo role in a Imtiaz ali’s next movie which stars Shahrukh Khan and Anushka Sharma.

Recently it was confirmed that, Shahrukh khan will be seen in an Imtiaz ali’s film and would be seen playing the character of a tour guide, and Anushka will be a tourist. Film is based in London, Budapest and Punjab.

We do have seen Ranbir and Anushka together, but it will be interesting to see SRK and Ranbir sharing the screen if they have some scene together.


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