Get rid of dark circles and eyebags with these effective overnight masks
Get rid of dark circles and eyebags with these effective overnight masks

Get rid of dark circles and eyebags with these easy yet effective overnight under eye masks Get rid of dark circles and eyebags with these easy yet effective overnight under eye masks

If you’re like us and are prone to dark circles after just a few bad hours of sleep, welcome to the club! Dark circles and eye bags have become most people’s best friends, especially the ones who rely on caffeine to keep themselves awake. Now, there’s literally no alternative to sleep and it’s the only thing that will help your dark circles go away completely. But, there are definitely few remedies that will help speed up the process while you’re sleeping. So, here are two easy and effective overnight treatments that will make your dark circles and eye bags less prominent. 

Aloe Vitamin E overnight treatment

One of the house favourites, all you need to do is mic aloe vera gel with Vitamin E and gently apply it under your eyes and sleep on it overnight. It works as an amazing under-eye gel and when you use it for a week, you’ll see the difference it makes. Due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the treatment works exceptionally well. You can even use it over any blemishes or acne spots and it’ll work wonders. 

Almond oil mask

Another great overnight mask is almond oil and honey. It is great to rejuvenate the skin and diminish the dark circles overnight. Honey has antibacterial properties and hence works well on all skin types. Almond oil is a great way to hydrate and moisturise your under-eye skin while also keeping signs of ageing at bay. 


Chock full of Vitamin C to fight pigmentation and acne concerns

A moisturising bonus for dry, wrinkled & ageing skin

Level up your glow game with the gift of nature

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