Good and restful sleep is very helpful in the treatment of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes
Good and restful sleep is very helpful in the treatment of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes

Researchers at the University of California have said that changing lifestyles to improve sleep can be used in the treatment of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes, so focus on improving the quality of your sleep. For this, you can do different types of physical activities; anyway, it is said that sleep comes better after doing physical labor.

Many diseases are thought to be caused by a lack of sleep. That is why it is recommended that people get enough sleep. According to one study, the human body's response to insulin increases during deep sleep, which improves blood sugar the following day. The sleep data of 600 people was analyzed by American researchers at the University of California. Deep sleep has been shown to activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system. This system is in charge of keeping our bodies in a state of constant balance. The researchers detected this change by monitoring the participants' heart rates. They discovered that the body's response to insulin is increased in this condition.

It instructs the cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and thus prevent harmful blood sugar spikes. Their research has been published in the journal Cell Reports in Medicine. Researchers have said that changing lifestyles and getting good sleep can be used in the treatment of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. Anyway, it is said that physical labor is good for health, and the special thing is that after that, one gets good sleep.

Physical activity improves the elderly's quality of life. In people over the age of sixty, researchers discovered a link between a decrease in physical activity (exercise) and a lower quality of life. The same can be said for an increase in sedentary activities such as watching television. Physical activity reduces the risk of developing a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Being more active enhances one's quality of life. This study was published in the journal Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. According to the researchers, this study encourages older people to remain active. Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, according to the National Health Service.

The team of researchers, led by Dr. Dharani Yerrakalva of the University of Cambridge, used accelerometers to examine activity levels among 1,433 participants aged 60 and up. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (NARFAC) study included participants. Pain, their ability to manage themselves, and depression were among the health-related quality of life tests they took. The questionnaire resulted in a score of 0 for poor quality of life and 1 for good quality of life. It was discovered that those with a low quality of life were more likely to require hospitalization.

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