Every day is an auspicious day. Good morning, status and shayari...
Every day is an auspicious day. Good morning, status and shayari...

1-Enjoy life now this is not a rehearsal. 
Good Morning!


2- Anyone can run away, it's super easy.
Facing problems and working through them, that's what makes you strong.
Good Morning!


3- If people treat you
like an Option
leave them like a Choice!


4-Always smile at life and it will smile back at you.
No problem can be solved with tears and tensions
Lots of challenges can be met with a smile on your face & positivity in your attitude. 
Good Morning!


5- Do not correct a fool or he will hate you; correct a wise man and he will appreciate you. 
Good Morning!


6- Being aware of a single shortcoming within yourself is far more useful than being aware of a thousand in someone else.
Good Morning!


7- Faith is a small word, but has supreme implications.
The problem today is that,
We have doubts in our Faith & have full Faith in our Doubts.
Faith is God is the best Medicine.
Good Morning!


8-Life is like facebook.
People will like your problems and comment, but no one will solve them because everyone is busy updating theirs.
Good Morning!


9- Good Morning!
Be careful with how much you tolerate.
You are teaching them how to treat you.


10- Happiness is a choice,
not a result.
Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
Good Morning


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