Google is offering $ 20 for the easiest job in the world
Google is offering $ 20 for the easiest job in the world

Goggle has offered to pay $ 20 for an hour and you would definitely feel lucky to work for the job. All you have to do is just to sit in a self-driving vehicle and have a ride.

 Of Course it sounds like the lenient job on the earth until and unless you do not have to witness something like, "running over other another human" or "veering off course and straight into a building." But, that much risk you can afford!

Those who are interesting in this job should have a clean driving record, and able to type 40 words per minute and be in support of the robot uprising that is bound to happen at same time.

The drivers will work in pairs, with one person behind the wheel in case something goes horribly wrong and another person sitting in the passenger seat taking notes.

This all is because Google wants to know how the cars handle all types of traffic situations.

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