Google will now recognize your pet's face
Google will now recognize your pet's face

Photo sharing and storage service Google Photos has launched a new feature. This new feature will identify the user's pet dogs/cats. Earlier Google photo was able to identify humans only. Google wrote in a blog post that it is being released in most countries. With this, you will now be able to group photos of your dogs and cats with the people. With this change in Google Photos, you can now find his photo in the name of his PETS.

So far you had to write a dog or a cat in search to find them, then you would get their photos, but now you do not need to write all this, you have to write the name of your pet's name and this can be seen from his photograph. Not only this, they can be labeled as their name, so that they can be easily found in the search. Or you can easily find your own photo with your pet. 

The blog post further stated that this will now make it easier for your pet's album, movies or photo book to be made. The Google photo service was announced in May 2015 of the company, separated by the social network Google Plus. Google Photo offers 16-megapixel photos and unlimited storage of video with 1080p resolution.

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