Looking for getting a job of a human rights worker, see here
Looking for getting a job of a human rights worker, see here

Every citizen of the world has the right to eat food, have clean environment, education, respectfully live life. But there are many places where people do not get even these minor human rights. Human rights activists work to get the citizens of the country and the world their rights. There is also a chance of getting a job in many government departments by making a career in this field. What are these departments? How to make a career in it? Which courses are there?

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There are many governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world working to protect human rights. In all these, people knowledgeable about law and rights are required. So that they can tell the common people about their rights, and also fight for them.

How to become a human rights activist
After completing 12th from any faculty, you can directly graduate in Human Rights. After graduating with this, you still have the option to do human rights courses. At present, it is easy for those who have studied arts. In this, students are taught in the areas of social justice, gender-based justice, justice for children. Along with this, research, survey and report preparation is also taught.

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-Bachler degree in Human Rights

-Bachler Degree in Sociology

- Bachelor's Degree in Law

- Diploma in Human Rights

- PG Diploma in Human Rights

- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (BHU)

- Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi
Mumbai University, Mumbai

- Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi

- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

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