If you have a dead body buried at this place, then you will have to pay crores of rupees
If you have a dead body buried at this place, then you will have to pay crores of rupees

Usually, burial places are built for the burial of dead bodies and hardly any money is taken for it. But there is also a country in the world where the land has to be bought for the burial of the dead body and the most surprising thing is that a small piece of land is worth crores here.

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As per the information, the prices of land in Hong Kong are skyrocketing. Here people have to pay about one crore 58 lakh rupees for a small piece of land for burial. Due to the land being expensive here, people have now started burning the corpses instead of burying them, but there is a problem in this too and that is that people want to bury their ashes after burning the corpse.

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People are keeping the ashes of the dead bodies in government lockers due to rising land prices. The situation is that in Hong Kong about four lakh incinerators are still waiting to be buried and all of them are kept in lockers. People have to pay about 22 rupees annually to keep bones in government lockers, but there is a big problem here too.

People also have to wait for four years for lockers. However, due to lack of space in government lockers, people have started keeping bones in private lockers here too. These lockers are equivalent to a shoebox, in which little space is found.

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